Wednesday, February 14, 2007

What Working Safely Looks Like

What Working Safely Looks Like

- Coaching and Intervention need to be part of our daily routine.
- Do things as safely as possible, look for ways to create a safe working environment.
- Keep areas clean and clear of debris.
- Take on an attitude of not letting unsafe acts or situations go uncorrected.
- Be forward thinking and be proactive (pre-job hazard).
- See safety risks: if they arise deal with them before they negatively impact someone’s life.
- Inspect and observe what is happening in the workplace, we want all eyes constantly focused on Safety and the well-being of people.
- Provide feedback on job performance, coaching is to strengthen and encourage each other to do things right.
- Recognize and eliminate risks, hazards. Reduce, control, minimize risks to protect.

General Information / AP3 Health & Safety Program / Page 4 Individual Roles and Responsibilities.

- Adhere to all mill and departmental safety policies and procedures.
- Use safe work practices at all times.
- Correct any unsafe work practices by other individuals.
- Correct immediately or bring forward any unsafe conditions that they may encounter.

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