Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Optmum Health

Optimum Health: A Brief Look
It’s a daily endeavor, get a plan, take action and keep doing what your doing, health and spiritual wise that are good every day. Educate yourself, research, study and put into practice what works for you. Listen to people who are getting the results you want.
What you think, what you believe contributes to Optimum Health. What you think about you bring about. How you say things contributes to your optimum health, use gratitude, and be optimistic.
Where are you on the road to health, physically, mentally, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually? We control for the larger part what happens to us. We live our choices. Dare to care about your own health; it’s all up to you, your choices. ONE THING LEADS TO ANOTHER.

Your stomach is the about the size of your fist (food portion control).
Glycemic Foods: Limit them.
No food before your night sleep, no food after 6pm. Some monks do not eat solid foods after noon, sleep at 8pm up by 4am.
Instead of being obsessed with food, be obsessed on health, happiness and goodness to others.
Much of our life involves invisibility; it is the invisible that is the most important. Know that we have an incredible defense system. We are born to heal. Disease is an invisible process, we are supremely created and it takes a lot of abuse to get diseased. Unfortunately even after disease, many people continue to live the same way after diagnosis as they did before.

The average child sees 25,000 commercials a year. This is the marketing of products that tend to be detrimental to our health. Help them to identify God Food versus junk food. Garbage Food has been altered, they are tampering in an area they don’t belong in. It started 150 years ago with rice and then bread, making them white, then massive alcohol productions and we started down the road to poor health, and even hospital food is a disgrace. In 1996 – 56% of deaths were by tobacco, it is in the market, and pour government financial manageability won’t allow it to be taken off of the market due to funds they get from sales.
Humans are the only ones of God’s creatures who smoke, drink tea, coffee, alcohol, eat cooked food, eat fried food, refined food, processed meat, sugar, add salt, drink milk after weaning, drink another creatures milk, (this is the short list). Sugar is instant food for the germ that causes tooth decay; sugar stops your immune system for some 5hrs after consumption.
We are now drinking coffee like we went into the smoking craze of the 1940’. Coffee bars are over the place. Coffee is a multiplier of a cigarette smoker’s chance of cancer; it increases the chance by 40x.
Were actually taking better care of our pets than of our kids and ourselves.
Of course part of the problem is we have imperfect knowledge, and illness is simply a cause and effect with things that can cause us damage.
Self care, self-motivation, philosophy and a belief in God and reason for living, with good nutrition can help us to great degrees. Realize you are going to eat 100 tons of food in your lifetime, so that makes it a big-ticket item. Healthy Food is supremely important.
Stop doing things that harm you.
Start doing things that make you well.
Resolve negative emotions (confess your sins and stop doing them) and avoid negative stress.
Nutritional Supplements are needed due to processing of our food. (By the way Mad Cow Disease is only the tip of the iceberg, pet food may be next – would you give the guts of dead cat to your live cat).
Participate in Therapies and things that will be of benefit to you.

Consume safe water.
Have as high a quality diet as possible, whole grains, unprocessed meat, fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables.
Increase fresh air exercises.
Adequate sleep, every hour of sleep before Midnight is worth 2hrs after, due to the Earth’s cycle.
Recreation: you need the holiday, your recreation has a profound effect on the direction your life and your health goes.

Will to live, Hope, Spiritual Connections, Personal Autonomy, Body Mind Awareness, Emotional connection with others, Avoid physical and mental toxins, Healthful diet, Water, Exercise, sleep, rest, relaxation, Nutritional Supplements, Complementary Medical Therapies used with Conventional Medical Therapies (all we can do ourselves can help standard medicine if it is needed).
One word can destroy our confidence, bad news has a devastating effect on our healing capacity (watch news, read papers 3 to 10 minutes maximum and only to find out what to pray for), have the fundamental belief that everything works out perfectly in the end, even if it seems to boggle the mind right at this moment. Learn to trust God’s wisdom, His power and His plan, learn to Love God’s Divine Providence (that all things even the seemingly worst things will ultimately turn out for the good). Get rid of self-centeredness, self-pity, criticism and resentment. Get an attitude of gratitude, positive thinking, joy and peace in your mind, have a glad and thankful, joyful heart (constitution). Eliminate doubt, discouragement, disillusionment, confusion and fear. Take on the belief in God (Good, Orderly, Direction).
God bless and be with you, Don’t take yourself for granted, Be of good cheer, Remain optimistic.

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