Monday, February 5, 2007

Letter to a Freemason Lodge

I thought I would write a note to go along with the Catholic Church’s Declaration on Masonic Association. This is in response to your ad in the paper, which stated that Freemasonry is open to all religions. My point is that Catholic men (and protestant), are not in a position to join the Freemasons and I would hope that your organization would respect that fact and not allow any Catholics and or protestants to join because it goes against Church teachings. The problem as far as I can see is that the Church has deduced from Masonic Rule: Destroy all teachings about God, especially Catholic teaching. Also the Church has it on record that Freemasons are to follow above all the principle of: "Catholicism can be overcome not by logical argument but by corrupted morals." As you can see from the Church’s standpoint Freemasonry is incompatible with anyone wanting to remain a Catholic.
I’ve spoken with a number of Freemasons and I can say that what the Church teaches about Masonry, has been exactly what they revealed to me. One guy said, It doesn’t matter if I go to church anymore or what church, I’ve been divorced and remarried four times, I felt very demoralized after my wife and I talked with him. Two other Freemasons, (once my wife was with me) said they believed Baphomet, Satan to be God. This too is totally unacceptable from a Catholic and or a Protestant standpoint. I don’t know how one can say men who believe in Satan as God are men of good character, the Bible is quite clear on the fact that Satan is the enemy of God, and that Satan is the father of all lies.
So if you would let any (if there are any) Catholic men know that as members of the masons they are not allowed to receive Holy Communion or any other sacraments, they are as you all are welcome to attend church, but not participate in it.
I would hope that your organization will respect the Church’s teachings and not encourage any Catholics (or protestants) to go against the Church’s teachings by joining masonry.
Also if you have documentation that Catholics are allowed to join, I would like copies for my own personal information.
Any Catholic members that would like to be fully reinstated into the Catholic Church are encouraged to contact our local Pastor and discuss the situation with him. I would be pleased to help any members who want to return to the Church. Instructions for this are included in the article I am enclosing.
I pray daily for the Freemasons and will continue to do so.
Respectively Yours,

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