Sunday, February 11, 2007

Step Eleven Prayer2

Make me an instrument of THY PEACE;
Where there is Hatred, let me sow Love;
Where there is Injury, PARDON;
Where there is Discord, UNION;
Where there is Doubt, FAITH;
Where there is Despair, HOPE;
Where there is Darkness, LIGHT;
Where there is Sadness, JOY.

DIVINE MASTER, grant that I
May not so much seek to
be consoled as to CONSOLE; to be
understood, as to UNDERSTAND;
to be loved, as to LOVE, for it
is in GIVING that we RECEIVE;
it is in PARDONING that we are
PARDONED, and it is in DYING
that we are BORN for ETERNAL LIFE.
The Prayer of St. Francis
Of Assisi

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