Monday, February 5, 2007

Historical Titles on A.A. History

Catalog & Order Sheet
Consider purchasing Dick B.'s entire 21 volume reference Set! ***
How to Order the (21-Vol.) Set and/or Any of Dick B.'s Twenty-one Historical Titles on Early A.A.
Order Form
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Special Value. Save! Get all 21 Volumes as a Complete History Reference Set for $251.95 (s & h incl.) Please contact us for Shipping and Handling charges for orders being shipped to destinations outside the United States. Please mail this Order Form, along with your check or money order, to: Dick B., c/o Good Book Publishing Company, P.O. Box 837, Kihei, HI 96753-0837. Please make your check or money order payable to "Dick B." in U.S. dollars drawn on a U.S. bank. If you have any questions, please phone or fax: 1-808-874-4876. Dick B.'s email address is: d j ckb@di ckb .com. Dick B.'s web site on early A.A.'s history and successes: "". You can also order online at Dick's site.

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