Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Steps to World Class Safety

Next Steps to World Class Safety
Does anyone have any ideas in regards to this?
(Introduction/Example of World Class Safety - Injuries/Demonstration of Pre-Job Sign/Questions Answers/Summary)
Some thoughts to consider:
We have to see ourselves and the mill as we really are.
Acknowledge our faults individually and collectively. (At least think about this.)
We need to and we are examining our good and bad qualities and work at overcoming the bad qualities that exist.
This will require effort on everyone's part, individually and collectively - we have to be willing to cooperate.
Leadership means to follow good orderly direction.
Taking our comfort and thinking we're going to coast along may be ruinous (for us all).
If we don't strive to reach forward and higher, then we'll go backwards. One does not stand still in safety.
Some thoughts from the Next Steps to World Class Safety:
We're seeing that all is not right in terms of safety in our mill. (example of current injuries)
We are still having lost time accidents.
We have not achieved World Class Safety by a long shot.
There's a major difference between a company (that's you and me) that wants to get better and one that wants to be world class.
One quality needed is perseverance. World Class Safety happens over time. Don't let any setbacks keep you from this goal.
Step back from time to time and reflect on what you're doing.
The hardest part is to learn safety defense - it's the only way you become a professional. We all need to master the defensive side of work, that’s what safety is all about. You need to know what's coming at you while you keep the goals in sight which is making paper and your pay cheque.
The mill is willing to commit time to visibly observe, recognize and correct behaviour and conditions to reinforce safety. We must be willing to cooperate.
Realize as you go about your job, that unsafe acts will be copied by others. SAFE ACTS done will promote a good example for others to follow.
By and large, we as a mill don't work safely. Safety is a lot of hard work. Change isn't easy, it's hard to move in a different direction.
What we have experienced to this point somehow outweighs that which we could achieve.
How do we overcome the comfort of the past and reach forward to higher goals in safety is a concern for us all. Not just the few.
Take on and develop a defensive safety attitude.
Pre-job Hazard Assessments are a part of the answer - does anyone have any experience with this? (Show large Pre-Job Hazard Assessment - go over the 4 points, ask if it will be of benefit to crew, where would it be best placed?)
Do more of them.
Use the pocket card on a daily basis. (Hand out pocket cards.)
Use the Assessment sheet on non-routine tasks. (Pass out Assessment sheets.)
They help you to think about the actions you are going to take to perform your job tasks. You have to choose to want to use the Pre-Job Hazard Assessment to make it work.
We have to get more comfortable about tapping the person who is unsafe on the shoulder and tell them to do their job safely. (Give examples of various techniques of approaching a person.)
World Class Safety is not an overnight matter, it's a long march - but a good march.
If you are complacent on your job, you are very vulnerable to an injury. (Give personal story example.)
We must prevent injuries and build on safety.
Questions & Answers
Have you any safety concerns?
What have you done to promote safety today?
I would like to encourage you all to push yourself to do something for safety every day and at the very least, just think about it.
At the bottom of it all, there are all sorts of opportunities for safety. Decide what you're going to do and take persistent action towards safety. World Class Safety is something which we can all hope to achieve.

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