Monday, February 5, 2007

Freemasonry Exposed and Condemned by Church

Mankind’s Hidden Enemy
Pope’s have very often exposed and condemned it. These Freemasons were not even afraid to march around on Giordano Bruno’s anniversary, carrying black banners depicting the Archangel Michael being trodden underfoot by Satanic Lucifer, as he is called, or to flaunt Masonic insignia beneath the very windows of the Vatican. Some enraged hands dared to write such slogans as "Satan will rule on Vactican Hill, and the Pope will serve as his errand boy," and other such insults. Now these unreasoning acts of hatred toward the Church of Christ and His temporal Vicar were not the inept rantings of a few individual psychopaths, but the manner, way and plan of action deduced from Masonic rule: Destroy all teaching about God, especially Catholic teaching.
Destroy Catholicism by Corrupting Morals
Centers of this secret society have been established in every region. Nevertheless, in various ways they more or less openly promote one and the same thing. In their plan, they use many and various kinds of societies, which, under their leadership, promote neglect of divine things and the breakdown of morality. This is because the Freemasons follow this principle above all: "Catholicism can be overcome not by logical argument but by corrupted morals." And so they overwhelm the souls of men with the kind of literature and arts that will most easily destroy a sense of chaste morals, and they foster sordid lifestyles in all phases of human life. As a result, the once-strong characters of men are weakened, families are broken up by guilt-laden hearts, and an unhealthy sorrowfulness continues to grow. When such persons are unable to shake off the miserable yoke they carry, they avoid the Church and even rise up against her. To bring help to so many unhappy persons, to stabilize innocent hearts, so that all can more easily go to the Immaculate Virgin, through whom so many graces come down to us, the Militia Immaculatae (Knights of the Immaculata movement, was established in Rome in 1917 in the International College of the Friars Minor Conventual.

Declaration on Masonic Associations
By the Sacred Congregation for the
Doctrine of the Faith
November 26th 1983
It has been asked whether the position of the Church in regard to Freemasonry has been changed by reason of the fact that there is no express mention of the same in the New Code of Canon Law (1983), as there was in the previous Code (1917).
This Congregation is able to reply that the circumstance indicated is due to an editorial policy which has been followed in regard to other associations as well, which have likewise not been mentioned, inasmuch as they are included in broader categories.
For this reason, therefore, the negative position of the Church, in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged, since their basic principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the teachings of the Church, and consequently, membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who belong to Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.
It is not within the competence of local (diocesan) church authorities to pass judgment on the nature of Masonic associations in such a way as to derogate from what has been established above; this is in line with the Declaration of this Congregation issued February 17th 1981. (Acts of the Apostolic See, 723/1981, pp. 240-241.)
The Supreme Pontiff, John Paul II, in the course of the audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect, approved the present Declaration, which was decided upon in the (previous) ordinary meeting of this Sacred Congregation, and has ordered its publication.
Rome, from the office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, November 26th 1983.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
Fr. Jerome Hamer, O.P.
Titular Archbishop of Lorium
My conclusion is the same as that of the German episcopal conference: "In-depth research on the ritual and on the Masonic mentality makes it clear that it is impossible to belong to the Catholic Church and to Freemasonry at the same time."
The false ecumenism which seeks to ignore basic differences between Masonic naturalism and Christianity, and the desire of a few Catholic men to find in the Lodge a fellowship, a better chance for promotion or a wider base of customers than they can find through other organizations are no reason to ignore the serious objections to Freemasonry raised by the Church.
Perhaps some accommodations may be made for pastoral reasons in exceptional cases. Converts might be permitted to retain passive membership. Those Catholic men who joined the Lodge in good faith during the recent years of confusion might be offered the same option.* Membership in Masonic-related organizations such as the Eastern Star should be discouraged, but does not carry the same penalty of exclusion from the Eucharist. Otherwise, the position of the Church remains what it has been for many years: Catholics in the United States and elsewhere may not be Freemasons.
(From the U.S. Bishops Committee for Pastoral Research and Practices. This report and the foregoing Statements are the texts as published in Origins, official publication of the USCC, June 27th 1985, pp. 83-92.)
We note that Professor Whalen presents the "passive membership for a time" solution only as a possible solution for these "exceptional cases." The norm for a Catholic Freemason, of course, would be to resign officially and to sever all ties with Freemasonry.

Questions and Answers
May Catholics join the Freemasons?
No. To do so would be a grave sin, excluding one from receiving Holy Communion.
Why is it so wrong to join the Freemasons?
Simply put, Freemasonry is an anti-Christian religion, which openly disavows basic Christian truths, such as, for example, the divinity of Jesus Christ. No conscientious Catholic, or Protestant Christian can subscribe to its beliefs.
But I know Catholics in Masonry who were told by their pastor it was OK to join! Why is this?
In recent decades a great deal of confusion arose when wrong information was disseminated, even in the Catholic media, that membership in the Freemasons was permitted under some circumstances. This simply was not true.
What is the latest statement from Rome regarding Catholics being Freemasons?
On November 26th 1983, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a Declaration on Masonic Associations which stated: "The negative position of the Church in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged, since their basic principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the teachings of the Church, and consequently membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful who belong to Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion."
What should such Catholics in Freemasonry do to correct their situation?
First, and at the very least, they should become passive members by no longer attending Lodge meetings or other Masonic activities. Second, they should see their parish priest concerning other requirements, seeking of course absolution in the Sacrament of Penance. Third, they should send a letter of demit (formal resignation) to their local Lodge. This formal letter of demit may not be required by the Church, but it certainly helps to make a break with Freemasonry complete. A sentence or two stating the renunciation of Freemasonry as incompatible with one’s Catholic Faith is sufficient.
What is the attitude of Protestant churches toward Freemasonry?
Though many Protestant are in Freemasonry, more and more Protestant denominations are declaring Freemasonry incompatible with Christianity.
Some of my Protestant relatives are into Freemasonry but would never accept Catholic literature on the subject. Whom can I refer them to?
One source is the H.R. Taylor Ministries, Box 12, Newtonville, NY 12128. This ministry was established by a Protestant minister who converted from Freemasonry. A wide variety of literature is available from them, including statements issued by many of the Protestant denominations’ official church bodies. Incidentally, Taylor Ministries strongly recommends that a Christian leaving Freemasonry send a letter of demit to the local Lodge. This is done, as a means of evangelization, since a letter of demit must be read to the members of the Lodge.

Praying for the Lost
Father, I pray for the salvation of ____________. In the name of Jesus, I bind a spirit of spiritual blindness (Matthew 16:19; II Corinthians 4:3-4) and I loose spiritual light into _____________ life. May your light shine into ____________ darkened heart to give him/her the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ (II Corinthians 4:6). Open ___________ eyes to turn him from darkness to light, from the power of satan to God, so that he/she may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in You (Acts 26:18).
Draw __________ to You (John 6:44). I loose the spirit of truth into ____________ life to guide him/her into all truth (John 16:13). I loose upon ___________ a hunger and thirst for righteousness (Matthew 5:6), and I loose laborers into his/her life to tell him/her about Jesus (Luke 10:2). May the gospel be received by ___________ not simply as words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit, and with deep conviction (I Thessalonians 1:5). May he/she receive Your word, not as the word of man, but as it actually is, the living word of God (I Thessalonians 2:13).
Non-Christian Spiritual
Experience Inventory
It may be that involvement in these may have invited demons into your life.
Astral projection, Ouija board, table lifting, speaking in a trance, automatic writing, visionary dreams, telepathy, ghosts, materialization, clairvoyance, fortune-telling, tarot cards, palm-reading, astrology, rod and pendulum (dowsing), amateur hypnosis, healing magnetism, magic charming, mental suggestion, black and white magic, blood pacts, fetishism, incubi and succubi (sexual spirits).
Christian Science, Unity, Scientology, The Way International, Unification Church, Church of the Living Word, Mormonism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Children of God, Swedenborgianism, H.W. Armstrong (Worldwide Church of God), Unitarianism, Masons, New Age, Others**______________________________________
Other Religions*
Zen Buddhism, Hare Krishna, Bahaism, Roiscrucianism, Science of Mind, Science of Creative Intelligence, Hinduism, Transcendental Meditation, Yoga, Eckankar, Roy Masters, Silva Mind Control, Father Divine, Theosophical Society, Islam, Black Muslim, Others**_______________________________________________
*2Corinthians 11:4, 13, 14 if another preaches another Christ whom we did not preach, or another spirit, or gospel – they are false apostles – satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
Galatians 1:9 if anyone preaches a gospel to you other than that which you received, let him be anathema, (accursed).
**This list is not an exhaustive list, many other practices may also be cause for concern.

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