Friday, July 18, 2008

Andropause suffering from?

Suffering from Andropause: the Male Menopause?
Andropause, also known as the male menopause or MANopause, is the result of a gradual drop in testosterone. Symptoms of low testosterone manifest in a number of ways including physical, emotional, psychological and behavioral changes. Men frequently notice male menopause symptoms as a gradual loss of energy, muscle, mental focus, stamina and libido. Experts directly relate low testosterone to causes of low sex drive. Although a decline in hormone levels will occur in virtually all men with age, there is no way of predicting whose male menopause symptoms will reach the severity of seeking medical help.
BodyLogicMD's Top 10 Signs of Andropause - the male menopause:
Sleep problems
Diminished libido
Erectile problems
Muscle loss
Weight gain
Memory loss
Thinning hair
Decreased bone density
Statistics on Andropause: The Male Menopause
Suffering from symptoms of low testosterone? According to the US Census Bureau, approximately 4 -5 million men have low testosterone levels and only 5-10 percent of them will seek treatment.
According to the US Census Bureau, approximately 4-5 million men have symptoms of low testosterone levels and only 5-10% of these men will seek treatment.
A recent World Health Organization (WHO) report stated "male androgens progressively decline with age." The report analyzed male hormones and found that the testosterone level in most 70 year old men was 10 percent of the level in males that are 25 years old. By the time men are between the ages of 40 and 55, they can experience symptoms similar to female menopause, which in men is known as the male menopause or andropause. The symptoms of andropause include changes in body mass, resulting in less muscle and more fat, changes in attitudes and moods, fatigue, a loss of energy and sex drive, as well as physical agility.
Male menopause symptoms are also associated with stress levels, nutrition quality, fitness routine and the environmental toxins the body is exposed to on a daily basis.
Treating Andropause, the male menopause
BodyLogicMD physician-supervised programs use only natural bioidentical hormones, hormones, which are identical to the body's own chemistry, integrated with nutrition and fitness programs. Bioidentical hormone therapy provides a natural treatment that helps men suffering the from male menopause symptoms and allows them to live the best life possible.
Your individualized treatment plan may include a combination of creams, gels, pills, self-injections or pellet therapy. Each treatment plan is customized to your individual needs.
Andropause Exams and Tests for Men
To determine your hormonal needs, BodyLogicMD anti-aging physicians thoroughly evaluate your symptoms of low testosterone using state-of-the-art diagnostics including saliva, urine and/or blood labs to determine your hormone levels and your unique bioidentical hormone needs. After starting bioidentical hormone therapy, BodyLogicMD monitors and reevaluates your hormone levels to insure that they are maintained within optimum balance.
Which hormones do we test?
Testicular Hormones - What makes you a man
• Testosterone - The total amount in your system, including how much is actively available to your body • Dihydrotestosterone - The total amount of used testosterone in your body • Estrogen - To make sure it’s not too high • PSA - Prostate specific antigens – your prostrate health
Adrenal Hormones - Your immune system, your energy level, and your ability to handle stress
• Cortisol – the stress hormone • DHEA – the “mother of all hormones”
Thyroid Hormones - Your metabolism
• TSH – Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Your Body's System
• Prolactin and Luteinizing hormone • Complete blood count, complete metabolic profile, Hemoglobin A1C, Insulin and Lipid Panel • Zinc and Vitamin D
Other Hormone Tests - The physician may suggest other tests for you
Treating Hormonal Imbalance, The Male Menopause: Andropause
In treating a man with a hormonal imbalance including male menopause symptoms, BodyLogicMD anti-aging physicians replace exactly what is missing or low with the body's appropriate bioidentical hormones. Your doctor will prescribe the hormones in a fashion that exactly matches each man's prior hormonal needs.
Treatment Options
Pill - Oral
Pellet Therapy
Testosterone can be replaced in multiple ways by use of injection, creams, gels, pellets or taken orally. BodyLogicMD's highly qualified, anti-aging physicians follow up with every patient closely, evaluating symptoms and using laboratory tests to determine each patient's customized dose. BodyLogicMD physicians order only the finest and most reputable compounding pharmacies to obtain the exact combination of hormones required to achieve hormonal balance.

Emmet Fox and Alcoholics Anonymous

Emmet Fox and Alcoholics Anonymous

One of the very early recovering alcoholics who worked with co-founder Bill W. was a man named Al, whose mother was secretary to Emmet Fox, a popular lecturer on New Thought philosophy. When the early groups were meeting in New York, members would frequently adjourn after a meeting and go to Steinway Hall to listen to Fox's lecture. To this day there are AA groups that distribute Fox's pamphlets along with Conference-approved AA literature.
An account sets forth in "Dr. Bob and the Good Oldtimers" tells of the influence of Emmet Fox and his classic work, "Sermon on the Mount." An AA old-timer recollected: "The first thing he (Dr. Bob) did was to get Emmet Fox's 'Sermon on the Mount'....Once when I was working on a woman in Cleveland, I called and asked him what to do for someone who is going into DT's. He told me to give her the medication and he said, 'When she comes out of it and she decides she wants to be a different woman, get her Drummond's 'The Greatest Thing in the World.' Tell her to read it through every day for thirty days and she'll be a different woman.' Those were the three main books at the time; that and 'The Upper Room' and 'The Sermon on the Mount.'"
Perhaps the fundamental contribution of Emmet Fox to Alcoholics Anonymous was the simplicity and power of "The Sermon on the Mount." This book sets forth the basic principles of the New Thought philosophy that "God is the only power, and that evil is insubstantial; that we form our own destiny by our thoughts and our beliefs; that conditions do not matter when we pray; that time and space and matter are human illusions; that there is a solution to every problem; that man is the child of God, and God is perfect good."
Central to New Thought philosophy was the perspective which saw that love and personal forgiveness were the keys to fundamental transformation: "Love is by far the most important thing of all. It is the Golden Gate of Paradise. Pray for the understanding of love, and meditate upon it daily. It casts out fear. It is the fulfilling of the Law. It covers a multitude of sins. Love is absolutely invincible."
Fox went on to say that forgiveness was an integral part of the Pathway of Love, "which is open to everyone in all circumstances, and upon which you may step at any moment - at this moment if you like - requires no formal introduction, has no conditions whatever. It calls for no expensive laboratory in which to work, because your own daily life, and your ordinary daily surroundings are your laboratory. It needs no reference library, no professional training, no external apparatus of any kind. All it does need is that you should begin steadfastly to expel from your mentality every thought of personal condemnation (you must condemn a wrong action, but not the actor), of resentment for old injuries, and of everything which is contrary to the law of Love. You must not allow yourself to hate either person, or group, or nation, or anything whatever. "You must build-up by faithful daily exercise the true Love-consciousness, and then all the rest of spiritual development will follow upon that. Love will heal you. Love will illumine you."
One of the cornerstones of Fox's philosophy was to live but one day at a time, to be responsible for one's own thoughts and to clear up resentments, just as AA was to teach that "resentments are our number one cause of slips." For Fox, one of the most important rules for growth was to live in the present: "Live in today, and do not allow yourself to live in the past under any pretense. Living the past means thinking about the past, rehearsing past events, especially if you do this with feeling...train yourself to be a man or woman who lives one day at a time. You'll be surprised how rapidly conditions will change for the better when you approach this ideal."
Emmet Fox emphasized the idea that thoughts are real things, and that one cannot have one kind of mind and another kind of life. According to Fox, if we want to change our lives, then we must change our thoughts first. Many of his simply stated profundities have contributed to an AA philosophy that has transformed the lives of literally two million recovering alcoholics.
Igor S., Hartford, Conn.
February 1996 AA Grapevine©

Order of Canada is a Joke!

Subject: The Order of Canada Award becomes a joke, only in Canada!

When I heard an Abortionist received the Order of Canada Award my first thought was what a nightmare Canada is becoming. How could the very Government I helped elect and support do this, why couldn't Stephen Harper veto the situation and stop this from happening? This decision is appalling, the abortionist's are other Hitlers and SS Gestapo's with legalized death camps throughout Canada and the rest of the world. Canada ought to just go ahead and give every crook, scroudrel, wicked and evil person the Award, if your going to give it to one, give it to them all for all the difference it makes now. From now on, the Order of Canada Award will mean nothing until this decision is rescinded and the Award taken away from the Abortionist. Abortionist's are only crackpots that are not good enough to be other Doctors in other fields of Medicine. The Order of Canada Award is suppose to be given to those who Make Canada a better Country, for outstanding achievement, how does abortion fit this picture when it takes the life of a human baby, and causes physical, mental, spiritual and emotional harm and damage to the mother and the father and other siblings if there are any in the family. Those who did not pass sex education class can take a lesson, sex between a man and a woman can result in pregnancy. Pregnancy is about bringing another child into the world, if your pregnant, there is a child in you. Period end of class. When a lie is believed by enough people it soon becomes a truth, but it is still a lie. The unborn are babies, abortion is about the murder of human beings. Abortion has nothing to do with building a better Country. All it has done is taken away more Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, sports athletes, tradespeople, Military personel, police officers, artists, the next person who could possibly done a really truly great thing for Canada that we will never know of or find about now from being born who could give an outstanding performance and achievement to Canada. Abortion has taken these away from us, we all lose, and currently at the rate of 100,000 a year in Canada. Why is my tax dollars being used to fund abortions? The money could be put to better use, let those who want an abortion pay for it themselves and not drag the rest of us down this dark hole in the history of Canada. I would encourage everyone who has ever received the Order of Canada Award to send it back to the Government and tell them it has become a dishonour and a disgrace.

What are hormones

What are Hormones?
Hormones are the body’s messengers that transport information from the brain to the glands, from the glands to the cells and from the cells to the brain.
Hormones rejuvenate, regenerate and restore our bodies.
As doctors, we were taught that as we age, our hormones decline. It is now becoming clear that as our hormones decline, we age!
Hormones are considered the strongest at from age 25-30 years, the same period when the body is at its strongest and healthiest.
Diet and exercise will not be as effective if your hormones are not balanced correctly.
Why Hormones Decline
Hormones decline as we age every year after the age of 30.
The human body was never designed to live as long as we are living today. Advances in healthcare, vaccinations, sanitation and food preservatives have drastically increased life span. However, the glands that produce our hormones do not regenerate and continue to decline, producing fewer hormones with each passing year.
As we age, it becomes increasingly important for both men and women to keep their hormones balanced to protect against fatigue, mood swings, disease, obesity and to enjoy an overall healthier sense of well being.
Natural Hormones vs. Synthetic Hormones
Synthetic hormones, like Provera or Premarin, derived from plant progesterone and animal estrogens, are chemicals that act as toxins in the body. Because they are not natural to the human body, we can not metabolize them properly.
BodyLogicMD only uses natural bioidentical hormones. Unlike synthetic hormones, bioidentical hormones or natural hormones are replicas of the body’s own natural hormones. They’re made from soy, yams and other plant extracts, which are changed in a lab to be biologically identical to the same hormones your body makes.
For optimal safety and results, BodyLogicMD supplements only hormones that are low, evaluates client’s symptoms and retests hormone levels regularly.
Hormones: what they mean and what they do
HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE – the growth hormone
Decreases body fat
Increases muscle mass
Improves tissue healing and protein synthesis
Increases bone density
Quicker illness recovery
Increases capacity to exercise
Increases skin hydration and elasticity
Improves sense of well being
Decreases incidence of illness
TESTOSTERONE – the male hormone
Improves brain function
Increases energy
Increases strength
Increases bone density
Increases libido
Improves sexual sensitivity
Improves sexual function
Improves HDL and LDL levels
Improves cardiovascular health
DHEA – the mother of hormones
Improves neurological function
Increases sense of well being
Improves immune function
Improves stress tolerance
Increases metabolism

Wanted off our Streets

Drug Dealers from the beginning; have shown that they will not comply with the Law. The Law is easy to obey. They have to be forced to obey because it is in their attitude to refuse it, to oppose it and challenge it. That goes for any who are of a criminal attitude. We cannot accept it, and say we lost the war on drugs, or other crime.
But we must counter it by increased police activity, especially by the provision of more police officers, until it is brought home to their minds that compliance with the Law is each of ours necessary contribution to the common whole, and good.
Those who do wrong shall be punished; those who do good shall be rewarded.

Men and Hormones

Men & Hormones

If we knew we could replace our hormones, they would be flocking to their doctors. Bio-identical hormones: Why is it difficult to get doctors to come along with this thinking? Why can't we do something different? Generally, fear of criticism by our peers. We are exercising, we are eating well, we don't smoke, don't drink. Testosterone levels are dropping from when we were 20, why not raise them? If we want quality of life and fun, we have to take responsibility for our own health. Lower testosterone levels, coronary heart disease is associated with lower testosterone levels. It is not just erectile dysfunction and libido. To be healthy, men must have adequate testosterone. Estrogen dominance may cause cancer in men. When we check testosterone levels, were they normal for a 50 year old? or a 20 year old? D.H.E.A. is the most plentiful hormone in our body. It converts into other hormones like testosterone, causes a positive effect on brain, immune system, organs and muscles. DHEA drops off after 30 and can be negligible after 60. Saliva or blood tests for men will reveal levels - optimal level is between 250-450. Get tested.

50 milligrams DHEA a day is very safe (if a person has certain types of cancer, it may be a potential concern). Lower testosterone inhibits physical, sexual and cognitive functions, increase in abdominal fat and shrinking muscles, sense of loss of well being, fatigue, depression, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction (could be prostate and heart disease). All are related to hormone imbalances that are correctible with diet, exercise and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy.

Most men shrink, run and hide from therapy or discussion of this nature. We don't want to suffer these side effects if we don't have to when all is not well. Hormonal decline is correctible. Andropause is the real loss of testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone, a slow decline - it takes men 10-20 years to drain out to a problem stage. This decline can be slowed or reversed with bio-identical hormone replacement.

Real hormone replacement improves the quality of life. Testosterone starts dropping off in early 30's, by 70 it is typical to have half the testosterone level. The erection is the last thing to go. Before that we lose vitality, are tired or worn out, belly expanded and your doctor starts telling you 'watch your cholesterol'. You go on anti-cholesterol drugs. These may actually work against us (may inhibit the brain making its own cholesterol, if you inhibit the brain from making its own cholesterol, that prevents its own neuro protective hormones from being produced that prevents Alzheimer's. Research shows people with higher levels of cholesterol have a lower incidence of Alzheimer's. Testosterone loss is serious stuff, it builds bone and muscle, it is vital to keep the heart muscle strong and pumping, keeps cholesterol and blood pressure down. A sexual desire is promoted - without it our muscles wither noticeably.

A man with loss of testosterone can work out all day and exercise without any results. Low levels can be reversed with replacement. It in part tells the brain that all is well. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy keeps your insides young and disease free. Why are men not taking advantage of this therapy? Maybe that doctors do not understand the male hormonal system. Of all declines, loss of testosterone is the most common deficiency of men over 40. Non-existent or low sex drive is the last symptom to show up. Before that, physical and emotional changes take place.

Optimal range for testosterone is between 6000 & 9000 pg/ml - the level you see in young healthy men. We feel best when levels are in the 99.7% range - free or available testosterone should be around 25-35 pg/ml. If your numbers are low, a doctor can prescribe bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, patches, creams, gels, tablets or injections. A prescription is required.

Treatment can restore levels, hormone decline will not stop if left untreated, it doesn't go away if ignored. Hormone replacement will need to be increased as you go along year after year.

*If one's eyesight decreases, you get glasses or laser surgery. If you get a disease, you operate or treat it. Why aren't we treating this?

Prostate problems begin without enough testosterone. A full complement of hormones and a man does not have to expect prostate cancer. One can head off prostate problems with bio-identical hormone testosterone replacement.

Estrogen to testosterone balance with testosterone replacement gives health benefits, protects against heart disease, mental decline, prostate disease and problems, loss of libido and deteriorating muscles. High testosterone levels are not a risk factor. High estrogen levels would be. Problems occur only in testosterone decline. Absence of testosterone takes away quality of life and it signals the brain that all is not well. We can put back what is missing and put back hormones into balance and stop the decline. Maintaining healthy levels is the one most important thing a man can do to protect health of the prostate.

In Europe, testosterone replacement is being used as treatment for prostate cancer with great results (Doctor Miller Life Extension Revolution). Young men make loads of testosterone and prostate cancer is rare among them. Testosterone must be replaced in the correct amounts with bio-identical hormones. Testosterone levels must be checked, also estrogen. Too much estrogen in a man's body becomes feminized, vitality diminishes, energy dissipates. Andropause can be corrected and treated successfully by determining the correct amounts to replace. Too much estrogen, not enough testosterone, dropping DHEA levels, low HGH levels are all correctable. The objective is not to push levels higher, but to return to the body's healthiest prime state. We don't want levels that are normal for our age (50 or whatever), those levels are on a decline. We want them as when we were at our best and healthiest (24-30). Men from 40-80's can have hormonal levels maintained similar to their healthiest physical peak.

Results can be spectacular. Hormone therapy is a creative, collaboration between doctor and patient using science, observation, intuition and insight. Hormones are not something one plays around with on their own. Right levels, right balance, makes us feel better than ever and have good energy. The best friend one can have regarding one's health is their doctor. No matter how far you have to go, your life and health are worth it.

In testosterone decline, estrogen will eventually pass testosterone production. We men get the estrogen we need from testosterone and DHEA. Estrogen levels go down slower than testosterone. Obese men have higher estrogen production and little or no testosterone. Men with higher estrogen have an increase in problems with heart attacks. Men who have middle age spread are high in estrogen, and are more at risk for strokes and heart attacks.

Statins: Cholesterol lowering drugs, in long term studies fail to show any improvements in the overall mortality rate. Statins could cause the brain itself to lower or stop its own manufacture of cholesterol which the brain needs to make its own neurosteroids. Statins could work against us. If you inhibit the brain from making its own cholesterol, you are inhibiting the brain from making its own neuroprotective hormones that control the Alzheimer's process. Low cholesterol means higher risk of Alzheimer's. Men start getting artery plaquing when their testosterone is declining well before they become deficient. Plaques don't form when hormone balance is healthy.

Some men have high testosterone but very little free testosterone. Check sex hormone binding globulin - aught to be in the middle range. If sex hormone binding globulin is too high, very little free testosterone is on hand, bring it back to the middle range. There are natural products or drugs to lower the sex hormone binding globulin which would make more free testosterone available.

Few people will find doctors willing to think along the lines of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. We have what we need at hand, we need a learning curve to replace declining hormones. Get your hormones fine tuned and experience the positive effects and get healthier. With balanced hormones there is improvement in overall mortality. Balanced hormones mean that you are going to be at your healthiest. Testosterone does not cause prostate cancer.

Testosterone deficiency is likely to be a primary contributor to erectile dysfunction.

Returning testosterone levels to the 20-30 year level is about getting one's life back and to improve the quality of life. Drugs such as cialis, viagra, etc. may have undesirable side effects, headaches, FDA reports sudden hearing loss. Testosterone drives the libido, increases desire so that drugs like cialis, if necessary, can be more effective. When testosterone is increased and hormones are in balance, viagra and cialis are usually not necessary. For some human growth hormone replacement does the job. Expense is a problem. DHEA is usually more cost effective. The goal is to extend and enrich quality of life, diet, exercise, vitamin supplements, replace lost hormones, sustain muscle mass, be leaner, healthier and keep up bone density. Testosterone and estrogen need to be kept in balance for this to happen and for one to have an improved sex life. Estrogen level should be 50 psa .2-.5(?) Add testosterone, see if results respond favourably. The second half of life doesn't need to be one of degeneration, low libido and low energy.

Get your doctor to check for primary or secondary hypogonadism, primary meaning that testicles are not producing enough testosterone. Secondary is problem with pituitary gland or hypothalamus gland - means testicles are not stimulated enough to produce testosterone. HGH replacement if deficient.

Bio-identical hormone replacement enriches life. Ongoing testosterone loss is currently being handled with viagra, cialis. Little by little the eventual loss shows up as cancer, heart attacks, Alzheimer's or all three. We're on our own unless you have a doctor who gets the point of replacement therapy. The search for the solution will ultimately save your life if you find and have balanced bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. You need to replace your hormones as needed to when they were at your 20-30 year old levels. Hormones that are normal for your age won't regain your sex life, nor sexual feelings back. Don't let your doctor sell you on 'your levels are normal for your age'. You want to be restored to your healthiest prime. If your doctor is uncooperative, thank him, leave to continue your search.