Friday, June 22, 2007

Thoughts from a Freed Mason

Thoughts from a Freed Mason

The pathway to hell is enticing, secret only regards the destination.
(Check out jahbulon and freemasonry Google search.)
If Jesus was not Lord of Freemasonry then there was only one other candidate, Satan.
The worship of Satan as master was ultimate objective of the "Craft".
Freemasonry is demonic at source and one needs to be completely cleansed - delivered from this satanic influence over their life. Burn it all.
The last petition of the Lord's Prayer is "Deliver us from the Evil one."
Jesus is still the same today "The Deliverer".
Darkness visible: meaning that it is quite evident it is Satan.
The Masonic ritual now appeared in quite different light, sinister, threatening…
Man is his own salvation; this is what the first 3 degrees in freemasonry lead us to conclude.
The fundamental idea of freemasonry is that, in the final analysis, man and man alone is sufficient.
Freemason royal arch degree god: jahbulon, they put God of the Israelites on the same level as gods of the Syrians and of Egypt.
Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me (besides Me!).
Isaiah 44:6-8 I am the First and the Last, and there is no other God besides Me.
The obligations, oaths of each degree is horrific.
Satan opposed Jesus during his earthly ministry.
Jesus referred to the devil as his opponent.
Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies.
Through death He (Jesus) might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is the devil; and might deliver those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.
1John3:8 The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Freemasons will often say they get more from going to the Lodge than they do from attending church so they compare their lodge meetings with church!
Follow your own devices and you land in trouble.
The Craft is corrupt, it is of Satan.
Jesus called him the father of all lies which accounts for it having such an insidious craftiness that many well meaning men are entangled in its meshes. Man cannot achieve his own salvation. Jesus was sent by the Father and He allowed Himself to be crucified.
John 15:6 Apart from Me (Jesus) you can do nothing.
Jesus is always ready to save us, if we allow Him.
Jesus is not within the context of freemasonry except if He is called upon to rescue a sinner out of it.
Freemasons want to become better viewed by other men, so more people are attracted to join them. The point here is that God desires that we should become acceptable to Him, to be obedient to His precepts.
The appraisal of oneself or one another is utterly and totally irrelevant.
We are to be conformed to God the Father's standards and His alone.
Man could never achieve it himself, the Father sent His Son for us to be the way back to Himself.
Suspicions against freemasonry are well founded. There are lifelines being extended to freemasons to rescue them from their appalling fate.
Spending time in the Lodge is not harmless, they need the truth as God is showing it through the Catholic Church and our Protestant brothers who also have seen the truth about freemasonry.
In the 1600's freemasonry went Protestant, prior to this freemasonry was a guild of craftsmen in the middle ages in service to the Catholic Church.
1717 the Masonic order severed its connection once and for all with any church, sect, or party creed.
Freemasonry wants to be a center of union among people of all religions and/or beliefs (which can include Satanism and the occult).
1813 the universal religious character of the order was affirmed, the Masonic obligation is an offering to Satan…
It explains to some extent why it is that whole families are affected by the man's membership of a demonically based organization. Isn't it a piece of superb trickery and cunning to exhort the newly initiated and obligated freemason to make it (the Bible) the rule of your faith? Certain Satan isn't above using such a subterfuge for he presumed to quote the scriptures to Jesus during his temptations in the wilderness (Matthew 4:6).
Jesus refuted Satan with further quotations from the Old Testament. Only with the power of the Holy Spirit from the Father through Jesus Christ can anyone be rescued from freemasonry.
In the Bible Jesus says "He (Jesus) is the only Way."
Freemasonry claims they are right, and everyone else is out of step. Jesus states that His sheep know his voice and follow Him. Yet all references to Him by name are excluded from all Lodge meetings, rituals and discussions. It is surely permissible to wonder whether all of the freemasonic ritual is simply fiction. The Craft does not acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Saviour. So where is freemasonry leading its protagonists? Unless Satan has blinded the eyes and minds of freemasons, the facts are there for everyone to see. There are appalling dangers in freemasonry, but are the members ready to listen and see?
There isn't the slightest hint in freemasonry of the saving grace of Jesus or the Day of Judgment. What does Revelation 20:11-15 tell us? …"They were judged… according to their deeds… anyone's name not found written in the Book of Life,… was thrown into the lake of fire. While freemasonry feels the Bible is supreme, Jesus repeatedly stressed his uniqueness was the only way to the Father, see 2 Corinthians 6:14.
"Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?"
Christians are not to honour other beliefs nor other books of faith.
Christianity is an exclusive faith. God is a jealous God, He is Love and Loves everyone who responds to His call in the Beloved in Jesus. For the Christian, the Lord has conquered death, the truth of the Bible is that God desires man to return to Him.
He provided the way, and it is the only way possible, in and through belief in His Beloved Son. (John 3:16) Both freemasonry and Christianity cannot be right, only one of them. Freemasonry membership requires a belief in a Supreme Being, is open to any religion, it expects the men to follow their own faith, does not allow religion discussion at its meetings.
A freemason is encouraged to do his duty to his god (by whatever name he is known) through his faith and religious practice.
Freemasonry demands belief in a Supreme Being, as a necessary qualification yet it asserts that it is not a religion.
What do they mean by the term Supreme Being? What is religion in their view? Words mean what they want them to convey? No one can receive eternal life, the Kingdom of God, without the mediation of Jesus.
Ephesians 5:11 And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness but instead, even expose them.
Freemasonry does not accept the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Freemasonry is satanic in essence, the Brotherhood could be part of the preparation of the way for the worldwide church of the anti-christ. It is a mainly a modern movement.
Why did freemasonry ever develop? Why in these days?
A freemason is encouraged to do his duty first to his god (by whatever name he is known through his faith and religious practice).
God is a jealous God who is particular about His name. "I AM THAT I AM", the ever eternal Presence. We are not to take His name in vain, Jesus gave his permission to his followers to use His Name with his full authority. There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved.
Freemasonry? From where does it come?
It cannot be from the God of the Holy Bible who sent his only Son Jesus to pay the debts of the sins of all mankind.
By whose standards are they to be good and true and moral by?
In the lodge while constituted… paid due reverence to your master, wardens and fellows, and put them to worship… within the door of the lodge… we being only, as masons, of the universal religion above mentioned (of the lodge?)… strangers not to discover or find out… not to let your family, friends, neighbours, know the concerns of the lodge… All these changes you are to observe… as all true masons have done from the beginning of the world, and will do to the end of time.
Jesus told his disciples that the overriding commandment is to love God with all heart, mind, soul and strength.
Freemasonry is not straightforward. As for setting himself apart for the service of God, the Craft does not even begin to achieve this objective. Even Jesus Himself, when addressed as "good" Master, said that only God was good. This is not a deniable fact about Him being God, but that He too was doing what the Father in Heaven instructed Him to do.
Freemasons presumably see themselves as above the need for redemption.
From the context of the use of "Lord" and is "a Lord's work", it is obviously they are not talking about the Lord Jesus Christ. What other is it they are selecting? Demons? This is an appalling conclusion, but it fits with some members and ex-members experiences of the Craft. Jesus was truly loving as is the Father, with all His children, family, brethren, but freemasonry is told "particularly not to let your family, friends and neighbours, know the concerns of the lodge".
Freemasonry separates the member from his family, this is not compatible with Almighty God. They are to prefer a brother that is a good man and true before any other poor people in the same circumstances. How is that "love your neighbour as yourself" ? (Matthew Chapters 5, 6 & 7)
…Masonry… from the beginning of the world,… to the end of time? Is this rhetoric or are they serious?
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God…